From Playahead to Technigo bootcamp

Jessika Hage
2 min readApr 9, 2021


My very first coding experience

Do you remember Playahead? It was a very popular social media platform in the late 90’s and early 00’s. You could design your own pages with HTML and CSS. I could sit for hours styling my page, and then changing it every week just because it was so much fun. One thing I particularly remember is spending so much time on doing Pepsi’s logo and were so proud when I was done. But when I then got the question “Why do you have Pepsi’s logo on your page?” I quickly deleted it. Cause really, why did I have Pepsi’s logo? There was no good explanation, except for it being a challenge for me to do. And remember, this was the time when you had the old routers, everything went super slow and the connection broke if someone picked up the phone.

In between…

A few years later I finished school, started working and then later moved to Australia and did my MBA with a finance specialization. My old creative, pepsi-logo designing coding days were long gone. I later moved back home and started working as a credit broker. Then some years later I quit and tried out day trading (started doing that just before the stock market plummeted in March 2020…). It was a roller coaster to say the least. One day I just realized that I couldn’t do this forever, but I had no idea what I wanted to do. I was 31 years old and had never felt more lost.

Technigo Bootcamp

Then suddenly, just out of the blue, I came to think of my old Playahead days and how much fun I thought that was. So I started looking into how I best would turn that into a career and I found the Technigo Bootcamp. I applied, got in and now I’m here, 12 weeks into the bootcamp and I don’t feel lost anymore. It’s SO much fun!



Jessika Hage

Front End Developer student @ Technigo