Some random thoughts

Jessika Hage
2 min readMay 14, 2021


So now I’ve already done 3/4 of Technigos bootcamp. It feels crazy! On one hand it’s gone so fast and on the other it feels like I’ve done it for ages. I’m really enjoying it!

I think my biggest issue during this is learning to be satisfied with my work. It’s so easy to be hard on yourself. I’m a super detail-oriented person so I can spend a lot of time on just fixing margins and padding, 1px here and 1px there. So some weeks I can sit almost 24/7, and this is of course also because it’s so much fun. And there are always more things you could do, add more cool features, make it look prettier etc. So that makes it difficult to be satisfied and decide that you are done and hand the assignment in.

But when I think about it, we only have one week to do each project. That’s not really that much time and there is just so much you can do in that time frame. Well, I think about it and tell myself that every week. But still, easier said than done.

And it’s also been kind of a mood rollercoaster. Some weeks and when I manage to solve hard problems, I really feel like a developer. And sometimes the imposter syndrome sneaks up on me. And when I think about the fact that I’m graduating soon and am actually gonna start working as a developer, it feels crazy but I am also so excited because I truly know that this is what I want to do.

So I’m gonna keep trying not to be to hard on myself and be proud of the work I’ve done. Cause I have actually done some pretty cool things! :)



Jessika Hage

Front End Developer student @ Technigo